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XFFL 2024/25
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The Fantasy Football League is back for the 2024/2025 season. Entry is open to anyone and the cost is a mere £1 per team per week (for the first 40 weeks only).

This year the season starts on Friday August 16th and ends on 25th May 2025. This works out at 41 weeks. The following will be included in the matches which count towards points scored:

  • F.A. Premiership;
  • F.A. Cup;

Once again, there will be a weekly prize, a Manager of the Month prize, plus prizes for the eventual Champions. Runners up prizes will be awarded as well (dependent on number of entries).

Weeks run from Monday to Sunday.

As usual, there will also be a prize for the team that would have been the Champions if transfers had not been allowed and for the winner and runner-up in a KO Cup competition.

All prize monies are dependent on the number of teams entered – full details once the number of teams is known.

Winnings will be used to cover the winning manager’s subscriptions. Once full payment has been reached, then winnings will be accumulated and sent to the manager concerned at the end of the season.

Information on how points are scored is outlined on the "Scoring" page. There are no changes to the scoring this season.

Team Entries

All entries must be submitted via the website.

Entries must be submitted no later than 8pm on 16thAugust 2024. It will not be possible to enter after this date.

Entries can be made at any time up to the above deadline – any number of changes can be made to any teams submitted prior to this deadline. After the above deadline, the transfer system must be used.

We will endeavour to keep player lists up-to-date.

Entries must be submitted with an initial minimum payment of £5 per team (please send a cheque made payable to Ras Chauhan to his home address or ask Ras for his bank details if you would prefer to make an electronic payment) to cover the first 5 weeks.

Entry /Team Rules

Each team is allowed a maximum budget of £50M. You must not exceed this figure.

Each team must contain 11 different players. A team can have no more than 2 players from any single Premiership team (a player stays with his original team even if he is transferred to another Premiership team).

Once again, you can select your own team formation (within reason, of course….). You still need to select a Goalkeeper, but after that you can decide whether you want to play 4-4-2 or 4-3-3 or 3-5-2 or 3-4-3. But choose carefully…. you must stick with your starting formation for the whole season (so if you start off playing 4-4-2 you can’t later switch to 4-3-3 by transferring out a midfielder and bring in an extra striker).


Transfers must be made using the website.

Each team has a maximum of 6 transfer requests during the season.

The maximum number of players that can be transferred in any one week is 2 per team - therefore the maximum number of players you can transfer in/out during the season is 12.

If you do not use your quota of 2 per transfer request, then there is no carry-over.

You can only use one transfer request (per team) in any one week.

Transfer requests can be submitted at any time. The cut-off date and time for inclusion in a particular week is the date and start time of the first match in that week.

Valid transfers will become effective from the next full week. Players transferred in start accumulating points from the week they are transferred in (and, obviously, players transferred out stop scoring points from the week they are replaced)

Team composition must still remain within the rules - team formation must be the same as that which you started the season with, no more than 2 players per Premiership team, total team value must not exceed £50M, etc.